Can hCG Drops Help You Lose Weight?

If you've ever wanted to drop a few pounds quickly -- whether for a class reunion, swimsuit season, or just to fit into your "skinny" jeans again -- you've likely investigated a number of fad diets. Generally, any diet that promises quick weight loss without changing your eating or exercise habits will not have long-lasting results. However, a new supplement called hCG breaks the "fad diet" mold. When combined with an ultra-low-calorie diet, hCG drops or injections can result in dramatic weight loss with very few of the side effects normally associated with a low-calorie diet (moodiness, dizziness, or intense hunger). Read on to learn more about hCG drops and how they can help you lose weight -- and keep it off. 

What are hCG drops?

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone naturally produced by pregnant women. In fact, most over-the-counter pregnancy tests measure the level of hCG in a woman's blood to determine whether the test will have a positive or negative result. This hormone is also synthesized and put into liquid form (both oral drops and injections) to be used for fertility treatment. When consumed or injected, hCG helps men increase their testosterone levels and helps women ovulate more regularly.

How can these drops help weight loss?

HCG drops are not a miracle weight-loss cure alone -- they must be used in conjunction with the hCG diet plan. When followed correctly, this diet plan can result in dramatic weight loss (as much as one pound per day) with few adverse side effects. This low-calorie diet allows you to eat two meals per day, and each meal must include a protein, a vegetable, a bread, and a fruit. Here are the specific foods permitted:

  • Protein
    • Meat must be lean, with all fat trimmed, and should be weighed with a food scale before consumption. At each of your two daily meals, you will be permitted one 3.5 ounce (100 gram) piece of one of the following meats:
      • Skinless, boneless chicken breast
      • Lean beef or ground beef
      • Wild-caught whitefish or shellfish (such as lobster or crab)
    • If you are a vegetarian, there are some acceptable substitutes for the above list (such as tofu). However, this diet is not appropriate for those who adhere to a vegan diet.
  • Bread
    • At each meal, you can have one breadstick or a piece of Melba toast.
  • Fruit
    • Because of fruit's high sugar content, there is a limited list of hCG-compatible fruits. At each meal, you can have one of the following:
      • An apple
      • Half of a grapefruit
      • An orange
      • Six strawberries
    • This diet doesn't allow substitutions or "mixing" fruits -- so, for example, you can't have three strawberries and half an orange.
  • Vegetable
    • You're also permitted to choose two vegetables per day from the long list below. 
      • Asparagus
      • Greens (beet or salad), spinach, cabbage, or chard (but no iceberg lettuce)
      • Cauliflower (no broccoli)
      • Celery
      • Cucumber
      • Onions 
      • Radishes
      • Tomatoes

This diet does not permit dairy, added fats, sugar, or any food not specifically listed above. Although this restrictive diet often results in the consumption of only around 500 calories per day, thanks to the hCG drops, you shouldn't feel overly hungry. 

Where can you purchase hCG drops? 

HCG can be taken either orally or through a once-daily injection. However, to obtain the injection form of hCG, you must obtain a prescription, and can use the hormone only under a doctor's supervision. For that reason, many users prefer the oral drops, which are available over the counter at a variety of natural and health food stores. You can also order these drops online. Be sure to carefully read the instructions contained with your drops to ensure you're taking the proper dosage at the correct times of day.

Talk to your doctor for more information.

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