Want To Save Your Thinning Hair? Get A PRP Hair Restoration Consultation Today!

The minute that you notice your hair is starting to recede is the time to schedule a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consultation. The more time that you delay, the more hair that you will lose. Plus, any therapeutic treatment that you choose to save your hair will usually take between 6 months to a year to start showing results. Don't delay.

PRP, which is derived from a sample of your own blood, contains proteins that may support cellular regeneration and healing. When the PRP is injected into your scalp, your hair follicles may rejuvenate and eventually start re-growing hairs. The regenerative properties of PRP are well known and are also used to treat tendon injuries and osteoarthritis.

The treatment process for most PRP treatments is relatively straightforward:

  1. A small sample of your own blood is taken and then spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma.
  2. The plasma is then prepared into an injectable solution.
  3. Using ultrasound, a physician locates the ideal spots on your scalp to inject the PRP
  4. After giving you a local anesthetic to ease discomfort, the physician injects PRP into the target locations.

The whole process only takes about an hour. You'll usually have to repeat the above process a few times.

PRP treatments are also not without potential side effects, including injection site pain and allergic reactions. Make sure to discuss possible side effects with your doctor when you schedule the consultation.

The Results

Like all hair loss treatments, don't expect to see positive results right away. However, in a couple of months, you will probably notice that your hair is starting to regrow itself, bit by bit, in the areas that were thinning. You also likely notice a healthier, more vibrant scalp in general and that all of your hair has begun to grow faster. 

You should know that the moment you choose to fight your hair loss, you're facing an uphill battle, especially against male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia). PRP treatments are definitely a strong tool in your arsenal. But, in addition to PRP treatments, you can further help the process by taking good care of yourself, eating a protein-rich diet, and taking a robust multivitamin daily.

Lastly, due to a limited amount of clinical research, PRP treatments for hair loss are not yet approved by the FDA. This doesn't mean that it's ineffective, however. The science behind it is sound, and celebrity athletes like Tiger Woods and Raphael Nadal have had success using PRP treatments. Contact a facility that offers PRP hair restoration treatment options to learn more.

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